
Your card gets you into all the right places. Registered students and current employees receive access to several areas by default across campus, including:
In addition to using your MarquetteCard to access
the turnstiles at the libraries, your card comes equipped with a bar
code used to check materials out and to log into on-line databases. In
order to take advantage of these services you need to have your bar code
added to the library patron database. Just stop by the Raynor Memorial
Libraries or Law Library and present your card. Once added, you'll have
full access to everything the libraries have to offer.
Marquette University Medical Clinic
All full-time
undergraduate students who have paid the Medical Clinic Health Fee
automatically receive the Marquette University Medical Clinic privilege
each semester they're enrolled (medication not included). Other students
interested in buying into the Medical Clinic program may do so by
visiting the Marquette University Medical Clinic, Schroeder Complex,
Lower Level, or by calling (414) 288-7184 for more information.